Certified Personal Trainer
How long have you been training?
I have been training for almost 10 years. Growing up, I played all sports but as I
entered high school, all of my focus was on baseball. I continued to play baseball
at UT for 4 years while I got my exercise science degree.
What made you want to get into fitness coaching?
I got into fitness coaching because as a kid, my father kept my brother and I
active and as I got older, I always had athletic trainers with my sports. This
inspired me to become a trainer and help others reach their goals. I was always
fascinated with the human body and how it can change with just minor
adjustments and some consistency.
What is a success or highlight in your fitness career that you’re particularly proud of?
I am proud that my first three female clients lost 80 to 100 pounds each, and it
wasn’t just about the weight. I watched them turn into completely new, confident people who I know are still fit and active every day. They truly achieved life-
changing results! I’ve trained multiple first responders and other folks needing to
prepare for specific fitness requirements (and have 100% success rate in passing
their tests), have trained multiple expecting mothers through pregnancy all the
way to birth and after, and have helped dozens of clients get in their best shape
for their wedding day. Being part of my clients’ lives through all of these events
is definitely a big highlight in my career thus far.
What are some things that you like to do in your spare time?
When I’m not training, I love watching sports, going for bike rides, going to the
pool and the beach, and attending concerts.
If you had one piece of advice for a client who is transitioning to a new trainer and possibly deviating from their comfort levels, what would it be?
My advice to clients who are starting with a new trainer is first, take the step to
get going and then once you’re started, trust the process and be open-minded.
There are so many different ways to be fit and achieve results. Part of being a
successful trainer is being able to work with all fitness levels and overcoming
adversity while achieving results.
What are some of your special skill sets and things that your clients should
know about you?
Clients should know that was honored and voted best Personal Trainer in South
Tampa by South Tampa magazine, nominated (two years running), and voted
for, by my clients. This was a huge honor and I love what I do every day, and it
was great to be recognized.
As far as my special skills, I have general fitness abilities in all areas from weight
loss, to weight gain (hard gainers), I’ve prepared first responders and other folks
for specific fitness requirements and testing and I have extensive knowledge in
baseball and sports-related training. I’ve also trained expected mothers, young
kids and teens, and even prepared over a dozen clients for their wedding day.
We'd love to invite you in for a FREE, no pressure and no obligation consultation. You'll see the gym, meet the trainer and they'll take you through a light workout to see if it's a good fit for you!